2014年11月30日 星期日

2014上海閃亮亮聖誕節2:Paddington Bear Merry Christmas in ifc mall (shanghai)

每年陸家嘴的ifc mall的聖誕節佈置總是最花心思(與$$$)
最近才買了上海全家的伯靈頓小熊布偶,在ifc mall又看到他了!看來伯靈頓小熊花了不少錢打算在上海立足了 ^^

各位朋友也可以看看之前ifc mall的聖誕佈置,很精采喔:


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  • 坐上海地鐵2號線到陸家嘴站,出來上天橋,看到左邊有apple直營店的那間商場就是ifc mall

2014/12/13 新增
這是上海全家的活動,購物滿5元,加12元就可以購買一隻 Paddington Bear
現在推出聖誕節Paddington Bear跟新年Paddington Bear


上次去ifc看Paddington Bear時,佈置還沒好,這次專程來,遠遠的就看到三層樓高的Paddington Bear大氣球~真開心!!

好巨大的Paddington Bear

Paddington Bear跟東方明珠合照

Paddington Bear布偶實在太可愛了!

今年聖誕節,Paddington Bear大舉入侵上海了~以後大概到處都可以買到Paddington Bear的周邊商品,很期待 ^^!


關於Paddington Bear

Paddington Bear is a fictional character in children's literature. He first appeared on 13 October 1958 and was subsequently featured in more than twenty books written by Michael Bond[1] and first illustrated by Peggy Fortnum. The friendly bear from deepest, darkest Peru--with his old hat, battered suitcase (complete with a secret compartment, enabling it to hold more items than it would at first appear), duffle coat and love of marmalade--has become a classic character from English children's literature.[2] Paddington books have been translated into 30 languages across 70 titles and sold more than 30 million copies worldwide.

Paddington is an anthropomorphised bear. He is always polite – addressing people as "Mr", "Mrs" and "Miss", rarely by first names – and kind-hearted, though he inflicts hard stares on those who incur his disapproval. He has an endless capacity for getting into trouble, but he is known to "try so hard to get things right." He was discovered in Paddington Station, London, by the (human) Brown family who adopted him, and thus he gives his full name as "Paddington Brown", making him a brown bear named Brown.



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