其實想把賈伯斯變成玩具 in icons 並不是第一家。在2010年,MIC Gadget 也嘗試在 eBay 網站販售賈伯斯的人形,當時他的家人也採取了法律行動,這次亦是相同問題,公仔還沒開賣,賈伯斯的家人已採取法律行動保護他的肖像權,倒也幫助製造商成功打了免費廣告,引起大家注目。
對喜愛他的粉絲來說可能不算太貴,但把賈伯斯放家裡? 實在是太詭異了!使用Apple產品前要先拜一下,幫公仔上個香嗎?
還包含了一套賈伯斯的標準套裝(黑 色高領毛衣、牛仔褲及慢跑鞋)、兩副眼鏡、三組不同手勢的手掌、One More Thing舞台背景以及兩顆蘋果。「One More Thing」是賈伯斯介紹產品時最令人著迷的一句話。
Remember the realistic-looking Steve Jobs action figure that we reported about earlier this week? Well it looks like we may never get the chance to purchase them. According to a report from The Telegraph (which failed to quote any sources); Apple has sent a letter to the toy manufacturer, asking it cease sales of the 12″ Steve Jobs doll. Apparently in the letter, Apple mentioned that: “any toy that resembles the technology company’s logo, person’s name, appearance or likeness of its products is a criminal offence.”
This isn’t a surprising move from Apple, considering how protective the company has been with all of its products (though Apple is a product of Steve Jobs instead of vice versa). Apple was also reported to have forced another toy manufacturer to stop selling Steve Jobs dolls in the past before. But if this cease and desist letter turns out to be real and the toy maker follows suit, you can probably expect the prices of the Steve Jobs figures already available on eBay to sky rocket.