2015年7月27日 星期一

星球大戰驚現魔都!wonderfactory玩具攝影中國首展 AWAKEN THE CREATIVITY THROUGH OUR LENS

名稱: 穿越鏡頭 創意覺醒 | 上海玩具攝影展
時間: 2015.07.10 10:00 至 2015.08.09 10:00
地點: 上海靜安嘉裡中心南區B1藝術空間

2015 Wonderfactory玩具攝影中國地區首展即將於7月10日-8月9日在上海靜安嘉裡中心南區B1藝術空間舉行。此次展出是繼2015年5月新加坡展出之的中國地區首站。現場共展出來自9個不同國家10餘位著名玩具攝影師的50余幅作品,在隨後的幾個月中,Wonderfactory玩具攝影展將在北京、深圳、香港等城市進行巡迴展覽。


‘Awaken The Creativity. Through Our Lens.’ is Wonderfactory’s first exhibition in China, to introduce toy photography as the emerging form of Pop Art to the Chinese society.


Zahir Batin (Malaysia)
Marcus Lin (Singapore),
Johnson Foon (Singapore)
Timothy Zwemer (Australia),
Darryll Jones (United Kingdom),
Isaac Renteria (Mexico),
Yohanes Sanjaya (Indonesia),
Seno Haryo (Indonesia),
Johnny Wu (United States),
Christoffer Östberg (Sweden),
David Cubero (Spain).

The last 3 years has seen the rapid development of Toy Photography as a hobby, with thousands of toy collectors taking their toys outdoors, into home-built studios, into their daily lives, and on their travels, to create pictures that express their thoughts of the world, their interpretation of popular culture, and their individual creativity.

 Over 1,000 pictures are uploaded daily, by photographers from all around the world, onto social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and other sites. Collectively, they are followed by hundreds of thousands of people, who are entertained and inspired by the creativity of the amazing pictures taken by them.

Of the many toy photography hobbyists in the world, some have emerged to be excellent at it, with a handful who have distinguished themselves to be truly exceptional. Some have been exhibited, many have been acknowledged by toy or movie production companies, and all have sold their work as prints to pop art connoisseurs around the world.

Wonderfactory is proud to represent these photographers; the most creative, technically proficient, and most influential photographers within the community. Here, we showcase their toy photography as the emerging form of pop art increasingly embraced around the world.

Their pictures reignite the joy we felt when we played with our toys, the imagination we had before we took on the responsibilities of life, and the wonder at the magical worlds we saw in the movies and on television that made its way into our memories through toys.

Take a piece of limited-production modern pop art home

Wonderfactory is pleased to present in Shanghai these selected pieces of work from the toy photographers featured in this exhibition, now available for your private collection.

Each piece of work is printed on 285 gsm museum-quality Archival Paper from Germany, mounted on 5mm cardboard, and hand-framed in 5-cm aluminum alloy frames. Each piece captures the creativity of the artist, his interpretation of the world of toys, and his technical prowess in photography, to ensure that it takes its place as the most interesting subject of conversation in your home.

On limited worldwide production, exclusively to Wonderfactory.

Enjoy. And be inspired to imagine again.




這些好玩的玩具攝影作品,是由何方神聖創造出來的呢?其中,最被業界人士所認可的三位大師是美國加利福尼亞的Johnny WU、墨西哥的Isaac Renteria 和 瑞典的Christoffer Ostberg。

攝影師的世界你永遠猜不透!下面這幅名為“Eric splash orange”的作品,是英國玩具攝影師Darryll Jones喝雞尾酒喝到吐創作出來的作品!看來,“醉了”也不是全無益處哦!

從出現人類文明的那一刻起,玩具便開始一直相伴至今。從史前玩具的石頭、樹枝到如今充滿科技動感的卡通玩具,無一不在見證着人類發展的文明。提起玩具,人們往往會想到這是孩子們的所有品。然而,玩具可以給廣大成人帶來的卻不僅僅是兒時的回憶,更可以是一種對未來的憧憬。我們不僅可以給玩具賦予生命的延續,更可以讓它們演繹出栩栩如生的故事。今天,WonderFactory 將通過鏡頭解讀一個玩具的全新世界,並呈現於世人面前。

什麼是 WonderFactory《玩趣工廠》?











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