DC Comics Super Heroes 店內雲集了多位家傳戶曉的漫畫英雄,各式各樣的服飾、精品、潮物共冶一爐,勢以超級英雄最強陣容,打造一個最佳的朝聖地方!
Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman's figure, apparel and accessories are all waiting for your to bring them home! Let's join the super heroes team today by visiting our exclusive store in Shanghai
Super Heroes
地址:长宁区长宁路1018号龙之梦购物中心 4F
目前香港店有官網,可以看看 http://mo.dcshstore.com
清浦 outlet也有這間店,想檢便宜的可以去看看SUPER HEROES 上海青浦奧特萊斯最有趣的商店!!
Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman's figure, apparel and accessories are all waiting for your to bring them home! Let's join the super heroes team today by visiting our exclusive store in Shanghai
Super Heroes
地址:长宁区长宁路1018号龙之梦购物中心 4F
目前香港店有官網,可以看看 http://mo.dcshstore.com
清浦 outlet也有這間店,想檢便宜的可以去看看SUPER HEROES 上海青浦奧特萊斯最有趣的商店!!